约有 24 项符合 number 的查询结果, 以下是第 1-20 项 (搜索用时 51 毫秒)

正文:2020,中国军队的number,难不倒的中国军队! 来源:中国军网 2020年,他们始终在路上 “我们中国人民解放军,誓死不退!” 面对疫情,他们义无反顾 面对灾难,他们逆行向前 他们 用长途跋涉聚力保障 为强军事业增添动力 他们 用斗...
正文:而今,“女神”含泪转身     牵起丈夫儿子的手     开启下一段人生     曹曦月特写.jpg     再见,加油!     来源:一号哨位(ID:number1_sentry)
正文:United States, Britain and other countries around the world. However, a small number of American politicians, who have talked a lot of nonsense on the Hong K...
正文:US officials had handed down documents to a number of federal agencies requesting all federal employees to speak consistently about the pandemic and blame Ch...
正文:a book on biolab experiment. The idea I tried to get across is, safety is the number one priority. Any biotech experiment, no matter with the purpose of rese...
正文:3/2020, a large number of English news reports about the close of Fort Detrick were deleted, displaying "404 not found" ... 让事情更加扑朔迷离的是,时间线上提到的,代号为201的全...
正文:Some US politicians regarded that as evidence of China covering up a large number of early cases. However, revising data is an internationally accepted pract...
正文:And that's been a big thing in the news, the Trumpanomics news over the last number of years. “中国的名人并非出于爱国才在社交媒体上发爱国信息,他们是为了取悦执政党和民族主义的粉丝。我总是听到这类说法。谄媚者、马屁精...
正文:rigorous and thorough measures are paying off. As of 14 February, the number of confirmed cases outside Hubei has recorded a 12-day consecutive drop, and the...
正文:"In China, a number of large heart transplant centers have already incorporated world-class capabilities regarding the management of heart transplant, while ...
正文:Number One(中国第一),谢谢中国。 18年来,中国国际救援队先后成功开展了阿尔及利亚、海地、尼泊尔等20多次救援行动,成功救出64名幸存者,救治了数万名伤员,用实际行动赢得了受援国和国际社会的广泛赞誉。 2009年,中国国际救援队凭借出色的综合素质,通过联合国国际重型救援队分级测评,成为...
正文:growth measures are consistent with the top-line measured GDP growth number. For example, production and supply of electricity, thermal power, gas and water ...
正文:从事医疗保健行业的28岁新加坡青年Moloxiv,所创作的网文小说《Number One Dungeon Supplier》(《第一秘境供应商》),是一个包含武侠、美食元素的现代背景故事,讲述刚毕业的青年通过祖父留下的“系统”,成为一名“秘境供应商”。Moloxiv发现,每次只要熊猫元素出现在故事里,外国读者便表...
正文:自从修改中奖规则之后,如今玩家要从1号至70号里挑选5个号码,再从1号至25号当中挑选一颗“兆号”(Mega number),头奖中奖机率变得较以往更低,但赢得小额彩金的机率则提高不少。 7月24日那次开奖中,加州公司11名同事一时兴起集体购买彩票,赢得了5.43亿美元奖金。自那以后,再无大将中奖者。 还...
正文:with China until I became Governor. Now after eight years, we’re actually number three in terms of the rank state for the number of jobs created by foreign d...
正文:他的军旅青春像格桑花一样绚丽绽放 他将向前的身影永远留在了雪域高原 父母为你骄傲,战友为你自豪 这是一位网友写给烈士郭豪的歌 《十九岁的模样》 郭豪 一路走好!   来源:一号哨位(ID:number1_sentry),作者:相双喜、曹磊、武帅、袁宏彦,配图:李克睿,综合中国陆军(ID:army81cn)
正文:6.5 million manufacturing workers in steel-consuming industries. Add to that number all of us who consume goods made of steel, and you get an even larger fig...
正文:Calling a dramatic increase in the number of children born a “baby boom” dates to the 19th century. In 1941, an issue of LIFE Magazine——discussing the increa...
正文:“咱这要建Number One”     伟大的城市建设背后,是无数人的默默奉献。     雄安市民服务中心建设,租用了三个村子的地,位于容城县容城镇的马庄村、白塔村和东关村。     时至今日,马庄村村支书兼村主任姜志博还记得,2017年9月9日上午9时9分,村民姜俊明在协议上按下了红手印,这份1.75亩地的临...
正文:“NUMBER OF ENTRIES”标注“3(three)”,“DURATION OF STAY”标注“90 DAYS”,含义是在签证有效期内可3次入境,在乌停留总天数不得超过90天,且必须在签证有效期截止日前离境。即该签证持有人可在2018年1月15日后(含当日)3次入境,但3次停留总天数不得超过90天,且最...
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