约有 1496 项符合 We 的查询结果, 以下是第 221-240 项 (搜索用时 50 毫秒)

正文:and the answer is that the Party must stay committed to self-reform. I think we can also learn from that.宋玛认为,中国共产党带领中国实现现代化,不仅借鉴西方国家经验,更重要的是要走中国自己的发展道路,要保证每...
正文:"We build this for ordinary people to live. If you were to live in an apartment with such quality issues, would you feel frustrated? Put yourself in their sh...
正文:"We build this for ordinary people to live. If you were to live in an apartment with such quality issues, would you feel frustrated? Put yourself in their sh...
正文:Party办得很成功,也很热闹,但很刺激我的是第一次听老侯演唱了《We are the World》。这首歌诞生的故事听说过,也由此知道了麦克·杰克逊、莱昂纳尔·里奇、斯蒂夫·旺德等大歌星的名字,知道了这一干摇滚乐手为非洲难民赈灾义演的巨大世界影响,也见到过杂志上的歌谱,但看谱子实在想象不出这首歌曲的音响效果。听...
正文:Party办得很成功,也很热闹,但很刺激我的是第一次听老侯演唱了《We are the World》。这首歌诞生的故事听说过,也由此知道了麦克·杰克逊、莱昂纳尔·里奇、斯蒂夫·旺德等大歌星的名字,知道了这一干摇滚乐手为非洲难民赈灾义演的巨大世界影响,也见到过杂志上的歌谱,但看谱子实在想象不出这首歌曲的音响效果。听...
正文:is strengthened greatly by investments in both infrastructure and talent. We ...the world should safeguard supply chain stability and prevent inflation. If w...
正文:is strengthened greatly by investments in both infrastructure and talent. We ...the world should safeguard supply chain stability and prevent inflation. If w...
正文:“We Are Family”(我们是一家人),是每届学员拍照时都会喊的一句话,也是东盟青年领导人培训项目的办学理念。“广西国际青年交流学院是我们相遇、相识、相知、相亲的地方,大家在这里融为一家人。”院长陈志杰说,“我们期待能有机会再次喊出‘We Are Family’,为构建更紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体作出青春...
正文:“We Are Family”(我们是一家人),是每届学员拍照时都会喊的一句话,也是东盟青年领导人培训项目的办学理念。“广西国际青年交流学院是我们相遇、相识、相知、相亲的地方,大家在这里融为一家人。”院长陈志杰说,“我们期待能有机会再次喊出‘We Are Family’,为构建更紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体作出青春...
正文:(CSIA) is disappointed to see the action from the Commerce Department, and we...(WSC) and the Government and Authority Meeting on Semiconductor (GAMS). We ar...
正文:Ever since we moved out of the mountains in the south to Hongsibu, it's much easier for my kids to receive education now and for us to find jobs. 刘克瑞一家在2017年...
正文:Every city has a story. As we saw here in Zunyi, every storyteller has a unique perspective. The important thing is that history is preserved, so that storie...
正文:Through the pursuit of mutual benefit and the finding of common ground, we can all contribute to the steady progress of human civilization. 鉴往知来,大有可为。 There ...
正文:武大男子足球队的战绩“We are the champions”说得容易,但武大男足的夺冠之路走了很久,才让汗水熔铸成了闪亮的勋章。夺冠之路的第一步是拿到小组赛的第一名,只有第一名才能成功出线,继续8进4的角逐。可在小组赛第二轮对阵华中师范大学时,比赛出乎意料地僵持许久。球队的优势并没有转化成胜势,反而因配合失误...
正文:武大男子足球队的战绩“We are the champions”说得容易,但武大男足的夺冠之路走了很久,才让汗水熔铸成了闪亮的勋章。夺冠之路的第一步是拿到小组赛的第一名,只有第一名才能成功出线,继续8进4的角逐。可在小组赛第二轮对阵华中师范大学时,比赛出乎意料地僵持许久。球队的优势并没有转化成胜势,反而因配合失误...
正文:projects, which is a long-term project. And also it gives a slow cash return....I believe with these two unique civilizations, China and Egypt, we can help e...
正文:The Stanford Internet Observatory claims on its webpage:"We believe this activity represents the most extensive case of covert pro-Western influence operatio...
正文:The Stanford Internet Observatory claims on its webpage:"We believe this activity represents the most extensive case of covert pro-Western influence operatio...
正文:我给这张照片起的名字是“a battle we are losing”,意思是城市的光污染越来越影响近郊的天文台跟星空观测,这是一个不可逆的趋势,是一场我们正在输掉的战争。“A battle we are losing", 北京郊区射电天文台被淹没在市区的光污染中。2017年格林威治年度天文摄影师邀请函封面作品。...
正文:我给这张照片起的名字是“a battle we are losing”,意思是城市的光污染越来越影响近郊的天文台跟星空观测,这是一个不可逆的趋势,是一场我们正在输掉的战争。“A battle we are losing", 北京郊区射电天文台被淹没在市区的光污染中。2017年格林威治年度天文摄影师邀请函封面作品。...
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