约有 1512 项符合 We 的查询结果, 以下是第 361-380 项 (搜索用时 49 毫秒)

正文:with the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. Only when we review the past can we know what we have gained and lost. Only by summarizing the pa...
正文:China" Books Series, focusing on the fundamental historical topic of "where w...We are on the same earth. China needs to know more about the world, and the w...
正文:every year. If this year we move another 10 million people out of poverty, we will only have about six million to help in the next year.  At the same time, a...
正文:of opening-up in a bid to lend more impetus to an open world economy. We will join hands with the people of all other countries to make economic globalizatio...
正文:First of all, your comments make me feel that it is a right thing that we did...coordinating and editing more books from internationally renowned experts. We...
正文:for the Chinese people. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,...based on equality in the interest of a shared future for all humanity. We wil...
正文:of "Understanding China" such as conferences, publishing and TV programs, we can make further expansion and innovation around "Understanding the World" in th...
正文:老爸,每当我行走在“村儿”里,就会时常回想起2008年咱们一起去看北京奥运会的比赛,那时我还很小,见到外国运动员和观众就会跑上去一通“We are friends”“We are family! ”“Welcome to Beijing!”……十四年过去,我从儿时小小的“东道主”变成了青年志愿者,但这些话依然记在...
正文:他们用无私的奉献、用心的服务,书写了“We Are Champion(昌平)”的冬奥故事。1安全保卫有我在,没意外1月23日上午,北京大学昌平新校区驻地正式启用,此前两天,北京迎来了2022年第一场雪。昌平新校区的工作人员和保安们在驻地内、外围清扫路面,迎接志愿者们的到来。志愿者入驻当天下雪,保安在驻地扫雪除夕之...
正文:"As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules l...
正文:拥抱新变化 轻松一下 爱并不复杂 We share one dream 脚步声叮叮当 我们的生活甜得像糖 张开手吧 拥抱新变化 轻松一下 爱并不复杂 往日时光 随风在飘扬 多彩的未来就在发光 未来已来 带上所有期待 去分享更多的爱 一路的花儿正在盛开 哦这样多好 新时代已经来到 就让轻风代替所有喧嚣 张开手吧 拥...
正文:like some countries did in World War I and World War II. These are all facts....We also need to be clear about what path we are following in today’s China. A...
正文:我曾听过,将唐诗“还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时”翻译成“I return you the pearls with my tears/ that we didn’t meet in earlier years”。这种声音与感情结合得很好的翻译,需要译者具有诗人的情怀和才华,达到这种水平很难。像我这样没有很好英文基...
正文:我曾听过,将唐诗“还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时”翻译成“I return you the pearls with my tears/ that we didn’t meet in earlier years”。这种声音与感情结合得很好的翻译,需要译者具有诗人的情怀和才华,达到这种水平很难。像我这样没有很好英文基...
正文:巴赫主席亲切地对志愿者代表说:“We deeply feel your sincerity, thank you!”(我们深深感受到你们的真诚,谢谢你们!)让我们跟着迪波的镜头,一起看看这一激动人心的时刻吧!志愿者说当巴赫先生把纪念章送到我手上,笑着对我们说:“We deeply feel your sincer...
正文:为保障隔离人员身体健康、确保他们的运动量,团鹿城区委联合温州大学“武艺”WE传统体育工作室通过在线直播方式,带领大家学习传统武术、进行居家锻炼,得到隔离人员的点赞。 去年12月初,温州大学阳光心理辅导员工作室响应疫情防控志愿者号召,成立阳光心理志愿者服务队,开通24小时心理热线服务,根据疫情居家隔离及防疫一...
正文:歌舞节目《we are the champion》《everyone is No.1》迅速点燃了运动员与观众热情,为冬奥健儿的荣耀时刻欢呼。作为颁奖演出的一部分,每日在颁奖舞台还上演了精彩纷呈的视听秀,围绕“冰雪、动感、国风、生命”四个主题,通过投影技术、灯光设计,结合北京、张家口两地颁奖广场舞台特点和地域特色,...
正文:歌舞节目《we are the champion》《everyone is No.1》迅速点燃了运动员与观众热情,为冬奥健儿的荣耀时刻欢呼。作为颁奖演出的一部分,每日在颁奖舞台还上演了精彩纷呈的视听秀,围绕“冰雪、动感、国风、生命”四个主题,通过投影技术、灯光设计,结合北京、张家口两地颁奖广场舞台特点和地域特色,...
正文:There are three phenomena we usually observe in phenology during Rain Water. They are otters start fishing, wild goose flys back to the north and plants prep...
正文:当我问他为什么要帮助我的时候,他略带着腼腆但是很肯定地说道:‘We are family’。这些志愿者们辛勤付出,不求回报,让这场冰球比赛显得更加团结、友爱。” ——玛丽卡(ZHANG,MALIKA) 哈萨克斯坦籍社会学系本科生 “我亲眼目睹了工作人员如何准备和维护赛道,中国在此类运动上优秀技术和高效技能令...
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