约有 158 项符合 We 的查询结果, 以下是第 81-100 项 (搜索用时 53 毫秒)

正文:Never fear of hurricanes ,we are hailing in harm's way to defeat coronavirus saving yellow crane's hometown . Chinese generations devote grand love for Ch...
正文:The important thing is that we work together to try and find the solutions. China's commitment to international solidarity in the face of things like this is...
正文:I know there’s suspicion, but at every testing clinic we went to, people woul...We’d say, “How many ECMOs?” They’d say “five.” The team member from the Rober...
正文:"We must be prepared for increased medical supply demand in the United States, and to that end, I request that USTR eliminate these harmful tariffs on certai...
正文:"We must be prepared for increased medical supply demand in the United States, and to that end, I request that USTR eliminate these harmful tariffs on certai...
正文:“worries about a pandemic” on January 22, Trump replied: “No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have...
正文:Fourth, we will provide medicines and other supplies to the international community.     五、同国际社会加强科技合作。Fifth, we will ramp up cooperation with the internatio...
正文:Second, we will continue experience-sharing and exchange with other countries. 三、向有需要的国家和地区派遣医疗专家团队。 Third, we will send medical specialists to more coun...
正文:We Are All Fighters(我们都是战士) 来源:央视新闻 点击图片查看视频     这是深圳女孩刘洁为抗击疫情专门录制的英文短视频。刘洁说之所以选择用英语录制,是因为病毒面前无国界,这是人类共同面临的挑战。我们必须发出自己的声音。(视频来源:@CGTN)
正文:近日,有一段名为《We Are All Fighters(我们都是战士)》英文短视频火了!短短数日,获全网超过两亿的曝光量,还被众多媒体平台和微信公众号转载!数中外网友在该视频发布、转载的各大平台留言,写下他们被这段铿锵有力的演讲所激发出的内心共鸣。 视频来源:深圳晚报(04:33) 与多数成为 " ...
正文:We will win the virus fight 我们终将打赢这场病毒大战 In our hearts we are brave 我们心中 满是勇敢 We will keep our children safe 我们保护家人平安 No excuses no taboos ...
正文:We have met the president. We have seen the level of knowledge he has on the outbreak. We saw firsthand that he was directly leading the fight against the ou...
正文:Chinese people are united as one in fighting this "war without smoke". We res...that the disease is largely curable. Just as President Xi Jinping said, we ha...
正文:因此,我们没有发布任何旅游或签证警示,这不会影响两国之间的贸易和其他领域的交流(So we did not issue any travel or visa advisories and this is not going to affect the trade and other exchanges betwe...
正文:Chamber of Commerce, the largest business organization and partner of CCPIT, we watch with concern the suffering of the people of China in the Coronavirus ou...
正文:他说“作为湖北人,时隔11年,重返江城,我曾经学习和生活的地方,这里曾经是个充满生机的城市,有很多美好的回忆,一定要为春暖花开的武汉做些事情,we are 伐木累(我们是一家人)。”     消化科的陆浩平医生说,“2月6日下午收到紧急召集,2月7日一早就作别北京的寒风冷雪,大家携手同行,即使征程千万里...
正文:We are with you,China!”     “请接受来自苏格兰的绝对支持和爱心!     疫情会过去,一定能战胜,     我们迫不及待想来中国,     相信很快会渡过难关!”     “在非洲,     我们牵挂中国朋友,牵挂武汉人民,     希望一切尽快好起来,     大家恢复健康,一切恢...
正文:What we need now are a few affirmative steps to signal that we still see the ...We need to avoid that outcome. We need to avoid it now.     保尔森还在演讲中对中国的知识产权保...
正文:rumors, for years. These harassment are very consuming to all of us. We have ..."What they are doing now is to maintain rumors. And we are going to see that ...
正文:“‘我们一起拼’实际意味着各民族的兄弟们是一个队的,‘we are a team’。这个‘team’有着共同的目标,有着共同的价值观,会按照同样的规则去拼出民族团结的光明未来。”王登峰希望通过此次比赛,能够带动各民族兄弟亲如一家、民族团结,一起拼出中国教育、中国足球的未来,一起拼出青少年为国家奋斗的民族精神面貌。
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