约有 655 项符合 Vision 的查询结果, 以下是第 601-620 项 (搜索用时 49 毫秒)

正文:According to the vision of the National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020), In 2020, China will basically realize ...
正文:of being a world power,China needs to develop its own international vision. Indeed, we need to care for our own national interests; meanwhile, we should broa...
正文:the experience of a world power and needs to develop its own international vision. We surely need to pay attention to our own national interests, but at the ...
正文:of being a world power, China needs to develop its own international vision. Indeed, we need to care for our own national interests; meanwhile, we should bro...
正文:从概念车Vision C惊艳发布到量产全新速派推出,仅一年多的时间,斯柯达就地将这款汇集最新设计元素的产品拿到了中国。10月25日,上海大众斯柯达New Superb全新速派上市。共推出7款车型,搭载大众汽车新一代EA系列发动机,涵盖1.4T、1.8T、2.0T三个动力配置,价格区间为16.98万元~27.68万...
正文:就像作为其雏形的Vision C概念车所呈现的那样,这款新车在以诸如直瀑式“展翼”格栅、C形尾灯等传承品牌基因的同时,还通过对线条和截面的大胆运用,力求实现端庄、典雅和动感的统一。在细节上,光导式LED日间行车灯、17和18英寸铝合金轮毂、大尺寸天窗乃至车身侧标等的引入,也更容易唤起观者对斯柯达Superb旧日显...
正文:During the meeting, Chinese leaders expounded the great vision of the Chinese dream, and noted that China is at a new stage of in-depth reform and opening up...
正文:During the meeting, Chinese leaders expounded the great vision of the Chinese dream, and noted that China is at a new stage of in-depth reform and opening up...
正文:During the meeting, Chinese leaders expounded the great vision of the Chinese dream, and noted that China is at a new stage of in-depth reform and opening up...
正文:general trends of the world are required. What is needed is true strategic vision rather than short-sighted considerations for selfish gains. There are voice...
正文:The vision of China’s peaceful rise and developing “convergence of interests” and “communities of interests” are also in line with the general trends of glob...
正文:The vision of China’s peaceful rise and developing “communities of interests” are also in line with the general trends of global development. Multi-polarity ...
正文:Committee initiated the task of building a harmonious socialist society. Our vision for social governance is that by the year 2020, when the population is ex...
正文:在设计理念上,全新速派以欧洲经典的立体主义美学为设计灵感,广泛应用了斯柯达最新概念车Vision C的设计元素,线条精准、型面立体、比例完美。 从前脸看,极富立体感的引擎盖V型线条、展翼式直瀑格栅、水晶悬浮大灯和四叶草造型的前灯布局等家族设计元素犀利有型,特别是发动机盖的浮雕效果清晰醒目,内凹的大灯呈悬浮态...
正文:在设计理念上,New Superb全新速派以欧洲经典的立体主义美学为设计灵感,广泛应用了斯柯达最新概念车Vision C的设计元素,以精准的线条、立体的型面和完美的比例带来愉悦的感官享受。从前脸看,极富立体感的引擎盖V型线条、展翼式直瀑格栅、水晶悬浮大灯和四叶草造型的前灯布局等家族设计元素犀利有型,特别是发动机盖...
正文:本次车展上,首次亮相的QX70绝影版、高性能超跑英菲尼迪Vision Gran Turismo概念车引得不少车迷驻足。雷新说,英菲尼迪一直从中国消费者,特别是80后、90后需求出发进行设计。他们对造型非常看重,要求汽车设计能体现自己的气质和个性。英菲尼迪的设计灵感来自自然,呈现力量和浪漫的有机融合,恰好满足了他们...
正文:全新速派采用了斯柯达品牌全新的设计语言,广泛应用了斯柯达最新概念车Vision C的设计元素,整车造型立体动感,极具情感力量。 今年3月,全新速派在日内瓦车展上亮相,便引起了广泛的关注与好评,斯柯达品牌全新的设计语言也备受认可。新设计理念强调清晰的几何轮廓、富有雕刻感的立体型面以及极致精准的线条。同时,犀利...
正文:就整体设计风格而言,人们不难看出全新速派速派与斯柯达早先发布的Vision C概念车的关联。在卡班先生看来,Vision C展示了斯柯达可以将出色的功能性和独树一帜且极具情感张力的设计完美结合,全新速派则是首款将这一设计语言全面付诸实践的量产车型。 对于斯柯达速派强大的功能性,中国消费者并不陌生。无论是...
正文:电视机的设计制作来自LG Display、TPV Vision Innovator、Mstar晨星半导体股份有限公司。李怀宇介绍,“微鲸”的视觉效果、影响效果、观影体验完全可以媲美市场上万元以上产品。 一部55英寸微鲸电视的售价是3799元,而要看电视、看节目,除了买下电视外,还要收取一笔199元的会员服务...
正文:去年11月的广州车展上,斯柯达展首次展出了Vision C概念车,将运动、力量、活力和动感等元素融入全新设计的车型中,一扫之前人们心中的“老派”印象。可以说,Vision C概念车不仅承载着斯柯达的造车热情和其对于未来的渴望,更承载着其为路前行的决心。 全新的设计语言正是斯柯达今后征战市场的“撒手锏”。...
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