约有 11 项符合 Respect 的查询结果, 以下是第 1-11 项 (搜索用时 47 毫秒)

正文:Respect!这首国潮RAP走心了 来源:央视新闻客户端sd=/data/video/202101/01/d8780f70-f441-4a19-db9e-c0aa19eda067/transcode_464a0441-d951-cc0b-5447-d68b0f61.mp4&32218&windo...
正文:and abandon its prejudices and anxieties regarding China. It needs to respect the choices of the Chinese people and accept and welcome the development and re...
正文:这段不同寻常的视频被发到YouTube网站后,令大批外国网友被感动不已,评论区出现得最多的一个词就是:“致敬”(respect)。     据国内媒体报道,视频拍摄者也是一名电力工人。他表示,工作时最高要爬百米高的电塔,因为上塔很累,所以大家只有吃饭时才会下来,短暂休息只能在塔上。     这位工人坦言:“...
正文:self-respect     每次接女儿回家,老公都会站在出站口远远张望,我便挤在人群里使劲拔高自己,寻找女儿的身影。可每每都是老公先看到女儿,父女俩互相招着手,而后把我从人群里揪出来。     ——姜姜     说了不让奶奶接,但每次回家一定能在出站口看到一头白发的奶奶在等我。世上所有的爱都指向相聚,唯有...
正文:for serious disease, never vanity)、尊重孩子自主性为前提的“探索你自由”(Respect a child’s autonomy)、命运不能由基因来决定的“生活需要奋斗”(Genes do not define you )、“促进普惠的健康权”(Everyone deserves ...
正文:aspiring nation. Like the American pioneers in the West, they deserve every respect for their human ingenuity and determination. They are the real Chinese at...
正文:in which political parties seek common grounds while shelving differences, respect and learn from one another.     一国安全不能建立在别国不安全之上,别国面临的威胁也可能成为本国的挑战。面对日益复杂化...
正文:周世宁还结合自己在长期科研工作和生活中的案例,生趣幽默与同学们分享了“R-S-R”(From respect to suspect. From suspect to respect,意思是“从尊敬到怀疑到尊敬”的学习方法——记者注),也就是学的时候好好学,对学到的东西持怀疑态度,对掌握的知识要有所敬畏,学习是这样...
正文:any respect for or following the intrinsic nature of things. “Non-action” is the opposite of “action,” and has three main points: 1) through self-control con...
正文:important symbol of respect. 因此,高端水果已被视为表示尊重的重要象征。 "People purchase these expensive fruits to demonstrate how special their gifts are to the recipients...
正文:trust and properly managed disagreements in the spirit of equality and mutual respect. Bilateral relations and cooperation, as a result, have made substantia...
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