约有 14 项符合 Fight 的查询结果, 以下是第 1-14 项 (搜索用时 48 毫秒)

正文:今天发起的活动是Fight Club,发起人是一位健身教练,他希望通过拳击运动让生活一成不变的年轻人有机会释放自己,做自己想尝试却从未尝试过的事。 活动刚开始,小伙伴们还陌生感犹存。到了对抗练习,两人一组,一人或出拳,或踢腿,另一人手持挡板配合,大家开始和队友交谈技术。真正的爆点是站上拳击台像个拳击手一样...
正文:The COVID-19 is the common enemy of all mankind, which needs all mankind to fight together, and virus source tracing is a scientific problem, which needs the...
正文:Fact: China ’s efforts to help other countries fight the pandemic is in return for their help and to practice the concept of building a community with shared...
正文:we need to fight together as one It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a fight for you and me A fight for everyone no matter where you're from It’s alri...
正文:“环球同凉热,四海共冬春(One World, One Fight)。”总部位于深圳的北京大学汇丰商学院筹集的抗体检测试剂盒,从中国出发,目的地是英国伦敦定点医院。     ……     “肝胆每相照,冰壶映寒月;釜山加油!深圳与你同在。”深圳市委外办供图     深圳是中国改革开放后形成的国际化大都市,从官方...
正文:us stand together to fight the virus)。 该评论文章提到了上海、威海等中国城市平等对待所有入境人员,积极主动做好国际防疫工作。文中特别提到了中日韩相互支持,共同抗疫的做法,得到了库萨克先生高度赞赏。他写道:“我在你们的评论文章中注意到中国对日韩两国的援助,而它们也曾帮助...
正文:to avoid groups of more than 10 and urged older people to stay at home to fight the spread of the coronavirus.     现场人数“翻车”并不是近日特朗普出席记者会的唯一“亮点”。     特朗普在17...
正文:We will win the virus fight 我们终将打赢这场病毒大战 Our hearts in Wuhan town 我们心系武汉 We will not let you get down 不会让你失望难堪 Standing tall our heads up r...
正文:leading the fight against the outbreak. 我们见到了习主席。我们看到了他对于这次疫情了解得有多么深入,我们亲眼看到他直接领导了这场抗击疫情的行动。 You know we always ask for political commitment and politi...
正文:fellow countryman who is struggling with the virus. And we are determined to fight and win this battle.     在中国农历新年的第一天,习近平主席亲自作出指挥部署,向疫情全面宣战。中国政府迅速建立起联防联控的...
正文:to see that again, again, and again. The more it happened, the more we must fight against this and be patient focused. China should keep doing what they do n...
正文:To offend or to defend, we fight for a friendly end. 希望每一次瞄准,都是为了守护。 They take aim in a guardian’s name. 希望每一次相聚,都是为了庆祝。 The celebration we need is fri...
正文:Facing increasingly complicated and integrated threats, we shall not fight alone, nor shall we worship military force.     如果奉行你输我赢、赢者通吃的老一套逻辑,如果采取尔虞我诈、以邻为壑的...
正文:“You Fight Like You Train! (像训练一样战斗)”巴方飞行员强调的理念让中方飞行员获益匪浅。 2015年,航空兵某旅推开了日常训练“小航线着陆”,该旅副参谋长刘占坤告诉笔者,现在飞机着陆时间缩短了2/3,这已接近飞机极限性能。 此次联训,我们的收获既有有形的、显性的,也有隐性的、无...
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